Impact Survey—Resource Wars Resource conflict is an impact that never disappears; as resource shortages intensify, the evidence arguing in its defense will only become more vocal. This file will help you deconstruct the hype.
Stop Losing to "War Good" Strategies Let's talk through the elements of a 2AC to war good and see if we can avoid the common pitfalls that are causing many affirmative losses.
Impact Survey—Practice #1 Time to practice! In the document attached, you’ll find three examples of the 1AC, 1NC, and 2AC on AI and disease impacts. Let's give a 2NC extension.
Impact Survey—Biotech, Pharma, and Disease One of the most popular impact areas on this topic has to do with innovation by pharmaceutical companies. This file will help you navigate the impact level of those debates.
Impact Survey—Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is one of the most common impact areas on this year’s IP topic. The attached file will give you a jumping off point to respond to any AI-related argument; the post will provide a brief overview of core disagreements in the area.