Latest — Feb 8, 2025 The 'Intellectual Privilege' CP A CP strategy based on a generic conceptual criticism of intellectual 'property' law.
Politics DA Debating in the Trump Era Let's talk about the specificities of debating politics in the Trump era.
Catastrophic Risk Review: A New 'Study' CP In this post, we will cover a CP that represents a popular subcategory of process counterplans, known as the 'study' CP or the 'review' CP.
Impact Survey—Resource Wars Resource conflict is an impact that never disappears; as resource shortages intensify, the evidence arguing in its defense will only become more vocal. This file will help you deconstruct the hype.
How to Use a Computer Everything you didn't realize you needed to know about using a computer for debate.
Judges Should Disclose If They Are Flowing The Doc A tolerance for unclear delivery that developed during online debate has become mainstream and done significant damage to modern debate. A dose of tough love, transparency, and patience is a necessary first step toward the cure.
Copyright to Bioleft, Part Three: Practicing New Affirmatives Breaking a new affirmative can be a game-changing debate strategy, but its success hinges on one critical factor: practice. Let's talk about how to practice new affirmatives in general, and Bioleft in particular.
Copyright to Bioleft, Part Two: Strategic Affirmative Construction and the Art of Asymmetric Preparation In this post, we'll learn about how to create and deploy new affirmatives in policy debate, while tackling the rest of the Bioleft affirmative introduced in the last post.
Copyright to Bioleft, Part One: The Fight for Seed Sovereignty Through Open-Source Licensing In this post, we will talk about Bioleft: an innovative affirmative which uses IP to protect seeds as a commons against corporate control. By repurposing legal tools, Bioleft challenges IP’s traditional enclosures, balancing reformist and revolutionary strategies for system transformation.
Stop Losing to "War Good" Strategies Let's talk through the elements of a 2AC to war good and see if we can avoid the common pitfalls that are causing many affirmative losses.