A New IPR Process CP—Practice! Today, we will go through our new process CP file in more detail, practice giving a neg block, and practice giving a 2NR on competition.
Permutations from A to Z—Back to Basics In this series, we will develop a rigorous approach for choosing a permutation strategy vs any modern process CP. In part one, we will go back to basics, rebuilding our foundational knowledge of competition theory.
Policy Debate Central Podcast I spoke with Josh Clark and Raleigh Maxwell from Montgomery Bell Academy about the upcoming IPR topic on their new podcast.
Intro to IPR, Part 2—Topicality, IPR, and Metaphysics In part one, we explored the core philosophy behind IPR and its economic justifications. In this second part, we will explore the metaphysics of IP, what it means to ‘protect’ it, and how neg teams can craft a stronger topicality limit than the mainstream topic literature might allow.
A New IPR Process CP Process CPs often seem very intimidating to the uninitiated. They hide behind a wall of buzzwords and theory that can make them seem difficult to understand. We'll spend the next few weeks demystifying them, starting with a look at a brand new Process CP argument.
The Mailbox is Open The mailbox is open! This will be an ongoing series in which I will respond to questions on the r/policydebate subreddit where I have something useful to add to the existing conversation. I will also respond to questions readers submit directly through the form below.
Backfile Check—'Degrow' The Aff Win Percentage In this post, we'll take a deep dive into the key components of running a successful dedev position, from linking the aff to the position, to winning on sustainability and impact, to navigating the tricky terrain of the transition debate.
How to Brief a Court Case—a Look at Feist v. Rural Telephone This year’s topic, centered around strengthening IPR, is arguably the most legally complex subject high school policy debate has tackled in its entire history. We can manage this complexity with case briefing.
Intro to IPR, Part 1—Economic Incentive Theory In this introduction, we will discuss the areas covered by the topic with a focus on establishing a basic economic framework to evaluate IP policy going forward.